By Mark Tewes

An Unexpected Beginning

It was early autumn, and my family was buzzing with excitement over our upcoming camping trip. Camping was our way of disconnecting from the daily grind and reconnecting with each other and nature. Little did we know, this particular trip would end up demonstrating how my professional world of CNC machining could intersect with our family adventures in the most unexpected way.

The Preparation

As we packed, I noticed my son, Alex, struggling to fit his old, worn-out camping chair into the car. He’d had that chair since his first camping trip, and it held sentimental value. Despite its rickety condition, he was determined to bring it along. I promised him that we’d try to fix it once we set up camp.

Setting Up Camp

We arrived at our campsite nestled in the heart of the forest, surrounded by the vibrant colors of fall. The air was crisp, the leaves crunched underfoot, and a sense of calm enveloped us. We pitched our tents, unrolled our sleeping bags, and set up the campfire. Then, it was time to address the chair.

The Broken Chair

Upon inspection, the chair’s main support had snapped, a clean break. A simple fix, it would seem, but we were miles from any hardware store, and our tools were limited. I stared at the broken piece, my mind racing through possible solutions. That’s when it struck me – I could use my CNC machining skills in a way I never had before.

The Plan

Back at my workshop, I had created intricate designs and components on CNC machines, working with wood, metal, and plastic. Now, in the wilderness, I had to think differently. I needed to combine my technical skills with the natural materials available to us.

Gathering Materials

With Alex’s help, we scavenged the forest for a suitable piece of wood. We found a sturdy branch, fallen, perhaps in a recent storm. It was slightly thicker than the broken piece, but it would have to do. We also collected a few tools from our camping kit – a small saw, a knife, and some sandpaper.

The Making

Sitting by the campfire, under the soft autumn light, we began our work. I showed Alex how to measure and mark the wood, explaining how these same principles applied in CNC machining. Using the saw, we cut the branch to length, and then with the knife, we whittled it down to fit the chair’s frame. It was slow, meticulous work, worlds apart from the precision of a CNC machine, yet strangely similar in its need for accuracy and patience.

Teaching and Learning

As we worked, I shared stories with Alex about my early days in the CNC industry, the challenges I faced, and the satisfaction of creating something from scratch. He listened, absorbed, occasionally asking questions or sharing his own aspirations. In those moments, I realized this was more than just fixing a chair; it was a bonding experience, a passing down of knowledge and values.

The Final Touch

After hours of work, the piece was ready. We fitted it into the chair frame, and to our relief, it was a perfect fit. Alex’s grin was broad as he tested it out, his sense of accomplishment palpable. We sat back, admiring our handiwork, the chair standing proudly by our campfire.

Reflections by the Fire

That night, as we sat around the fire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories, I reflected on the day’s events. It dawned on me how my world of CNC machining, often perceived as rigid and technical, had blended beautifully with the unpredictability and simplicity of nature.

Lessons Learned

This experience taught us several lessons:

  1. Adaptability: Skills learned in one area of life can be invaluable in another, often in unexpected ways.
  2. Creativity: The absence of conventional tools and resources can fuel creativity, leading to unique and effective solutions.
  3. Patience and Perseverance: Whether in a high-tech workshop or a forest, these qualities are essential to overcoming challenges.
  4. Teaching Moments: Opportunities to teach and learn can arise at any time, often when least expected.
  5. The Joy of Simplicity: Sometimes, the simplest solutions, and the journey to finding them, bring the greatest joy.


Our camping trip became more than just a getaway; it became a memory etched in our hearts, a story we would recount for years. It was a reminder of the beauty of combining the worlds of technology and nature, of family and learning, of challenges and triumphs. In that serene forest, under the canopy of trees and stars, we found something invaluable – the convergence of my professional life as a CNC machinist with my personal life

By Mark

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