By Mark Tewes

Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, I was always fascinated by how things worked. My father was a mechanic, and my mother was a teacher. From my father, I inherited a love for tinkering with machinery, and from my mother, an insatiable curiosity and love for learning.

The Beginning of a Passion

My journey with CNC machines began in college. I was studying mechanical engineering, and during my sophomore year, our professor introduced us to the world of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining. I was immediately captivated. The precision and capability of these machines to turn a simple piece of metal or wood into something intricate and functional was nothing short of magical to me.

Early Struggles and Lessons

After graduating, I took a job at a local manufacturing company, Dynamic Precision Inc., where I worked on various CNC projects. The work was challenging, often requiring long hours and intense concentration. I remember one particular project where we had to design and produce a complex component for a new automotive model. Despite our best efforts, the first few attempts were unsuccessful, and I felt the weight of disappointment heavily.

It was during these early struggles that I learned my first important lesson: perseverance. In CNC machining, as in life, not everything goes according to plan. You have to be ready to face failures, learn from them, and move forward.

A Turn for the Better

Things began to change when I started working on a personal project. It was a small, intricate wooden clock for my mother’s birthday. I spent weeks designing and perfecting it. When I finally presented it to her, the look of awe and happiness on her face made all the effort worthwhile. That moment reignited my passion and reminded me why I fell in love with CNC machining in the first place.

During this time, I met my wife, Sarah. She was a graphic designer with a keen eye for detail. We connected over our shared love for design and creation. When we decided to start a family, I knew that my life was about to change in profound ways.

Balancing Work and Family

Balancing a demanding career and family life was not easy. There were days when the pressure of deadlines clashed with the responsibilities of being a husband and father. But Sarah’s support and understanding made a world of difference. We worked together as a team, ensuring that our family never felt neglected.

Teaching My Children

When my children, Ashley and Alex, were old enough, I introduced them to the world of CNC machining. I started with simple projects, like making wooden toys and small household items. Seeing their fascination and enthusiasm reminded me of my younger self. I realized then that I wasn’t just sharing my skills with them; I was passing on a legacy.

A Turning Point

The real turning point came when Ashley asked me to help her with a school project. They were learning about renewable energy, and she wanted to build a small wind turbine model. We spent weekends in the garage, working on the project together. It was a blend of engineering, creativity, and, most importantly, quality father-daughter time.

The wind turbine model was a success. Ashley’s project won her the school science fair, and she beamed with pride and accomplishment. But more than the accolade, it was the journey that mattered. We had tackled challenges, solved problems, and learned together. That project brought me closer to my daughter and gave me a newfound appreciation for my craft.

Reflecting on the Journey

As I sit here, typing this story, I can’t help but reflect on my journey with CNC machines. From a curious college student to a professional machinist, from a husband to a father, this journey has been about more than just mastering a skill. It’s been about the challenges and joys of life, about learning and growing, about sharing and connecting.

The Role of CNC in My Life

CNC machining has been a constant companion in my life, a tool that has allowed me to express my creativity, provide for my family, and bond with my children. It’s a testament to how technology can intertwine with our personal lives, enriching them in ways we never imagined.

Looking Ahead

As I look to the future, I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I plan to continue sharing my experiences, mentoring young machinists, and exploring new frontiers in CNC machining. But most importantly, I want to keep finding ways to blend my professional skills with my personal life, creating memories and leaving a legacy for my children.


In conclusion, this journey with CNC machines has taught me that life is about balance, about finding harmony between your work and your personal life. It’s about the joy of creating, the satisfaction of overcoming challenges, and the fulfillment of passing on.

By Mark

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